
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Video Interviewing: A New Trend in Corporate Recruiting

Written by Heather Sandell, Staffing Manager is the nation’s largest job board.  I enjoy theirRecruiting Trends in 2011 site as they provide various surveys and tools that keep me up-to-date on current and future trends in corporate recruiting.  One of their recent surveys caught my attention.  It is the Top 10 Hiring and Workplace Trends to Watch in 2011.  This survey “…identified 10 key trends in business, hiring, work culture and job search.”  At FosterThomas we are always interested in the trends at large.  As a Staffing Manager, I want to ensure I stay current with our clients, their needs and the changing landscape of hiring tools and recruiting practices.

I was really interested to see that Video Recruiting made the list at #5.

#5 Video Interviewing – With smaller recruiting staffs facing larger amounts of job applications, employers are turning to technology to help identify viable candidates.  Six percent reported they have conducted video interviews with potential job candidates while 11 percent plan to do so in the New Year. (Source:

Initially I had mixed feelings about video interviewing.  Let me explain:  while it’s a great way to save money and get around scheduling issues and drive times for candidates, it leaves me with a few questions:
  • Does video interviewing allow you to obtain the real face-to-face experience?
  • Will it cause any undue stress or inconvenience to interviewer or interviewee?
  • Can the video interview completely take the place of a face-to-face interview? 

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea and think this is a great cost-saving measure; after all Skype is free and a great alternative for small businesses that lack a sophisticated teleconferencing system.  Furthermore, it’s a great tool for busy (i.e., traveling), hiring managers and CEOs that like to be a part of the hiring process.  During inclement weather, there is no need to cancel an interview.  All parties can connect online and keep the hiring process moving.

When I’m interviewing on behalf of my clients, I am able to pick up mannerisms, voice inflections and behaviors that will help me push them to the next level.  Video interviewing may be even better than an initial phone interview, as it allows me to still have a personal, visual interaction with prospects.  I think time will tell, but video interviewing is here to stay.  As long as the interviewee maintains a professional look and feel via the video interview, remembering they aren’t on Skype with friends, all should go well.  It might even be a more laid-back interview which can show a bit more personality.

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